
Borderlands®: Mister Torgue's Arena of Badassery™

Created by Monster Fight Club

"Let's get this out of the way vault hunter, I have no F***IN IDEA WHAT THIS IS! So I found a G****MN MONSTER that FIGHTS S**T and told it to make me a game that will blow this MOTHERF****R Up!!! Now you get an entire badass ARENA OF BADASSERY to MURDER STUFF in!" Borderlands®: Mister Torgue's Arena of Badassery™ is an officially licensed, cooperative board game for 1 to 4 players, in which you and your fellow Vault Hunters must defeat the hordes of bandits, skags, and other challenges that Mister Torgue throws at you to prove that you are Ultimate Badasses. Please note that this is not the final pledge, you will receive a pledge survey in few days to choose add-ons, finalize your pledge, and pay for everything.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

over 2 years ago – Thu, Dec 23, 2021 at 11:15:16 PM

WOW! What an amazing three weeks. You have positively shattered our expectations and we are completely blown away.

What Happens Next

We are going to take a couple hours to pick our jaws off the floor. Then spend some time enjoying time enjoying the holidays with our friends and families. When the new year begins the Monster will be right back in the Fight finalizing rules, miniatures, getting everything approved, and setting up production. You will be right in the thick of it.

We will provide you with updates a minimum of once per month as well as anytime significant progress has been made or a milestone achieved. These will provide you with rules updates, images of final layouts and approved sculpts, inform you of the manufacturing status, and shipping updates. It's going to be an exciting 2022 and we can't wait to share the journey with you as Borderlands: Mister Torgue's Arena of Badassery comes to your table tops.

Pledge Manager

We are using BackerKit for our pledge management system. Next month, we will send you your survey and links to finalize your pledge. In the pledge manager you will confirm your pledge and pay for shipping. This is also when you will be able to upgrade your pledge and add any additional optional purchases you want to your pledge. BackerKit is extremely user friendly and will guide you through the basics, we will also provide you with a specific guide. 

Late Pledges

If you know anyone who just missed out on the campaign, it is still possible for them to get a late pledge. Just send them this link:

And they will be able to join the carnage!

Social Goals

While we have closed our Kickstarter, we are leaving our social goals open and will update you as we continue to grow our audience! There is certainly more loot we can unlock! As the new year kicks around, there will be aspiring Vault Hunters that will want to participate as we roll into the Pledge Manager. 

To date - we have the following social goals open: 

Happy Holidays

We close out with another sincere thank you and wish you all a happy holiday season. And now a word from our sponsor.

24 Hours Remaining! Ready to get "LUCKY"!
over 2 years ago – Thu, Dec 23, 2021 at 12:22:06 PM


We are just one more sleep (24 hours) until we have reached the finish line of this campaign! For all backers, thank you for bringing us all this far, we have unlocked a lot of great content, and there are still a few more in the wings to look forward to!


Coming Up


Want another easy social unlock? I've been trying to convince our friend and Team Monster Gamer Nox (aka Noura) to help us with some How to Play videos and Cos-Play as Moxxi! She said she would be all in so I thought it would be fun to help boost her signal and get everyone Moxxi's Legendary Jakobs "Lucky 7" Pistol!

She only needs 355 more follows to hit 10,000! Let's give the gift of EXPLOSIONS!

Please follow and at 10k Followers we add this Legendary Weapon to ALL PLEDGES by including it with the Core Game!

over 2 years ago – Tue, Dec 21, 2021 at 11:12:06 PM

We are down to the last 48 hours Vault Hunters!

With the last few days now on the horizon, and holidays fast approaching, we here at Monster Fight Club are very thankful for your enthusiastic support, thoughtful comments and suggestions, all to help us bring  you the best product we can. 


"Ready to chew ass and spit gum! And I'm all outta ass." Backers at the True Badass and Ultimate Vault Hunter level will receive Wilhelm for free. 

"Into the sky!" Backers at the True Badass and Ultimate Vault Hunter level will receive Wolf and Saint, companions for Wilhelm for free. 

"Let's just get this out of the way. Yes, most of my merchandise was ripped from the hands of dead adventurers."

..and by special request. Since you all like the new vending machines so much, we are swapping out that old version for the new IMPROVED version in the unlocked free stretch goal. 

What's Next?


Now, that's cold!

Please don't forget to help us out by following, liking, and checking in with us on our various social channels. The more we can push here, the more additional social goals we can unlock! We are very close to unlocking on more than a few of these, please check in if you can!

How to Paint Video Series & NEW Social Stretch Goal
over 2 years ago – Tue, Dec 21, 2021 at 08:15:27 PM

 Mini-Update: New Painting Video Series & Social Stretch Goal 

We’ve partnered with Jolly Lark to create a How to Paint Borderlands video series! 

Learn to paint Borderlands!

A little history of why this is cool. Jolly Lark (aka Aaron Dill) has been a life-long friend and fellow game designer with our Monster-in-Charge, John Kovaleski, for over 25 years. Together, they helped found and build first Gale Force Nine and now Monster Fight Club into globally-recognized game companies. In all of this time Aaron has always painted. He has earned a number of hobby and painting awards including a GW Golden Demon. As a fan of Borderlands, the Jolly Lark has agreed to do a whole series of painting content to help grown our new Borderlands tabletop community.

To celebrate, we’re launching a NEW social stretch goal!  When the Jolly Lark channel hits 1,000 subscribers, we’ll include 5 more MORE KS Exclusive Legendary cards in every set of stretch goals! (This legendary weapons deck is going to get huge!)

The first four videos are available to watch now with more videos coming out every month! Please check out his Borderlands Painting playlist. While you’re there, subscribe to the Jolly Lark channel to make sure you don’t miss any of the great new content!

Learn how to paint Borderlands miniatures!

When you are done checking out the Jolly Lark channel, please head over to our Monster Fight Club YouTube channel to unlock the Legendary Loots there as well!

Follow to get even more PHAT LOOTS!

Terrain and Mastering the Arena
over 2 years ago – Tue, Dec 21, 2021 at 07:11:37 PM

Greetings Vault Hunters!

Today, we wanted to talk about terrain, and it's all important use on the tabletop while you are playing through missions in the arena! But first... 

New Terrain for Ultimate Vault Hunters

We have been listening to you, and are making a change to the Ultimate Vault Hunter pledge.  We are replacing the contents of the Monster Fight Club Objective pack with a new obstacles and objectives pack. This is available as an add-on, and if you want the Monster Fight Club Objective pack, it can be added on in the pledge manager. 

Borderlands Objective Pack #2

Today, we will replace the MFC Objective Pack with the new Borderlands Objective Pack #2 as both a paid add-on and as part of the all-in Ultimate Vault Hunter pledge. As for the tires and barrels Obstacle Pack, they match well with the other two terrain sets (there are many screen grabs from game play that show the same barrels and tire types) and will remain a part of the all-in pledge.

This new set has more themed elements that you have been asking for.  2 updated Vending Machines, 2 Varkid Hives, 4 Road Signs, and 6 Skagg Vomit Piles.

Objectives and Terrain -  How It Works

Terrain is an important and interactive element in Borderlands: Torque’s Arena of Badassery. It will define the Arena you battle in, naturally creating choke points, block line of sight, provide cover and, of course, give you something to blow up and loot! The rules for terrain will be written into each scenario, allowing some terrain to get used in multiple ways, but a lot of the ways terrain pieces work will be standardized. Let’s look at some examples!

Varkid Hives can hide deadly surprises

One of the major functions of terrain is to define the play area by providing cover and blocking movement. Tires and barrels are great examples of this. For each tire in a zone, one less model may fit there (there is a maximum of three normal sized models in a zone) so if there are enough tires there, it will block movement through that zone entirely! This has an obvious use in creating choke points and allowing for maneuvering, but you always can blow up the tires with a rocket launcher (or any other explosive weapon) so they won’t be too cumbersome. They will also provide cover, giving you (or the enraged psychos trying to murder your face) additional cover for each tire in your zone. 

Best part about the barrels, is shooting them to see what's inside!

Barrels work similarly, except they are much easier to destroy (any normal gun can be used to shoot them and blow them up) but each barrel token will have an effect on the back that comes into play when it is destroyed. For example, some barrels are explosive, others cause radiation, slag, cryo, incendiary, or corrosive to the models in their zone, depending on the symbol on the back. Of course, a barrel could provide cash or even a key objective component for the scenario when it is destroyed. And if you have the physical barrels, don’t worry, just place a barrel token underneath it to flip when the barrel is destroyed so you have the best of both worlds - an awesome looking 3D board AND an interactive terrain element!

When you gotta go, you gotta go.

The other major function of terrain is to be interactive - to provide loot or give you objectives within the scenario. Some great examples of this are vending machines and chests. Chests (both loot and ammo) are placed on the board face down and you use an interact action to open them. Once you do, flip them over and see what happens! Some contain bombs that are often used to blow things up for scenario objectives (Torgue loves his explosions), others include cash, legendary items, or a key token that could be used to get to new areas of the arena (depending on the scenario). 

"Is shooting bullets just not cool enough for you? Get a Maliwan, and light some people on fire."

Vending machines are awesome because you can use them to buy new weapons or other items during the game! To do this, when you interact with the vending machine, form a queue of four items from the relevant deck and you can use your cash to purchase them. Borderlands is all about loot, so Torgue will sprinkle some vending machines in so you can keep the slaughter going (and if you’re not familiar with the rules, you may always visit the vending machines between games, but the scenario could just give you an extra opportunity within the game).

Those are just a few examples! We will also have satellites, terminals, and other terrain to make each scenario a fun and explosive experience.

Unlocks Continue!

The lawbringer's come to town! This model and her associated character card and skill tree cards are free with True Badass and Ultimate Vault Hunter pledges!

But what does the future hold? 

...the world's about to get twenty-five percent more handsome...